Meet Dr. Shishir Srinivasa - one of the most popular modern names in Indian Literature

Dr. Shishira Srinivasa, a Multiple award-winning author and a Harvard record holder, a Doctorate Holder is a creative writer with a strong emphasis on outcomes to the society.
Along with this, during Covid period, she took online certifications in more than 30 different courses and completed them successfully. Her Appetite for knowledge made her a Epistemophile and a Philomath. She recently completed her Intermediate level in Turkish language and obtained certification for the same.
She hails from Bangalore and is working in a Multi-national Audit and Tax firm by profession and an Author who has published 9 books so far in diversified fields. And has few more books in the pipeline. Till now her book “Are you Stressed? Are you ready to conquer it? ” has bagged many National and International awards. She was also named as Top 10 Contemporary Authors of India who has mastered the art of Writing.
She is a well known speaker among the students and has been a part of various Guest Lectures at Management Institutes. She has also been a part of various Webinars and Seminars on Stress Management and has enlightened many students with her Well-versed and Proficient Knowledge.

PhD in Stress Management
MBA in Finance
Certified Stress Management Coach, and Anxiety and Stress Management Coach
Certified Marketing Psychologist,
Certified Clinical Psychologist,
Certified Organizational Psychologist and Forensic Psychologist
Completed her Machine Learning Real World Projects in Python
Her Book on depression has bagged best book of the year 2021 and few more recognitions.
As a Scholar, She has published 25 research articles in International peer reviewed journals and Scopus Indexed Journals on Stress Management and different ways of coping with it.
Apart from writing, Shishira is more interested and good in music and singing, She is a Carnatic singer and has learnt it through certification, and won many prizes and accolades for the same. She is a bibliophile; she is good at acrylic art and pencil drawings and is passionate about varied interests. She likes to spend time with her pets and play with them.
She is a
- Certified Reiki and Switch-words healer,
- Certified Animal Communicator,
- A Tarot Reader of Oracle and Tarot decks,
- Akashic Records Reader
- Higher self-healer through Unicorn Healing
- Ancient Runes Reader
- Certified Angel Therapist
She is also the recipient of many Prestigious awards like
For the year 2021:
- Limelight award for Best Youth Icon 2021,
- Was awarded the top 100 Authors, Educationalists, Researchers by India Prime Awards 2021,
- Also Won the Best Debut Award and Best overall work by Elite Awards 2021.
- Her books are also nominated for the NE8X official Litfest 2021 and won best book award,
- Sahitya Khosh Samman 2021,
- Tagore commemorative 2021, for extensive Literary contribution.
- The Pride of India award by Cherry Book awards
- Best Aspiring Writer by Elitebook awards season 2.
- She also bagged 3rd prize for her Stress Management book by Caesura Awards 2021
- Perfect Achiever’s Award 2021 – Author and Reiki healer
- Geethanjali Arts Foundation – Best Singer – (Bollywood) 2021
- Picasso award 2021 – Best art in National Art Exhibition
For the year 2022:
- Femina Awards – Miss Debut Author 2022
- Sylvia Plath Memorial Women’s Literary Prize 2022
- Harvard World Records – For Outstanding Work in the Field of Writing books on Different topics as an Author
- Won Glaze International Awards – Top 20 Authors of India 2022
- Golden Writer Award by Dreamhouse publishers
- She is also nominated for the Youth Literary Figure award 2022 by Cherry Book awards for her extensive contribution in the field of literature in a short period of time
Few of her favourite writers are
JK Rowling, Jacqueline Wilson, Cathy Cassidy, Enid Blyton, Julia Donaldson and Roald Dahl!!
Books Published and available on Flipkart, Amazon. Kobo, and Google playstore, kindle: